Monday, September 13, 2010

Book Blogger Appreciation Week/Treasure!

I am proud to be participating in Book Blogger Appreciation Week 2010: A Treasure Chest of Infinite Books and Infinite Blogs!

As one of the BBAW pirates, today I am challenged to share with you a little treasure -- a great new book blog that I've discovered since BBAW last year. I couldn't decide on just one, so I am going to share TWO gems (or even, just to be punny and tie into one of Toby's picture books, two cool cows LOL):

My ultimate favorite because it combines books, the worlds in which they are created, and many times, the STORY behind, the STORY, is Jennifer Bertman's FROM THE MIXED UP FILES OF JENNIFER BERTMAN

I subscribe to Jennifer's posts by e-mail and look forward to them each week. When one comes in, I freshen my coffee and get ready to dive into the world of a new creative mind. It's fun and fascinating.

And because it's a pleasing, poetic place where I can find lots of inspiration, welcome, friendly faces and Long Island talent that I can check out and support, I love Toby Speed's 

Go ahead and take a L@@K!

You'll be glad you did.

I hope you discover lots of treasure this week! Lynne Marie


  1. Thanks for talking about these! I'll definitely check them out.

  2. Oh, thanks. I would Follow Jenn's for her blog title alone :)

  3. There are so many wonderful kidlit blogs out there. Thanks for sharing some of your favorite reads. I'm off to get another cup of coffee!

  4. You are all so wonderful! Thank you for your support. Hugs all around!
